Broken Yolk Breakfast Sandwich


Don’t over cook that egg. Yolk’s gotta drip.


  • 2 eggs

  • 2 slices of bacon (to go on the bun, but I make a lot and eat it on the side)

  • 1 cup arugula or spinach

  • 1 tbsp mayo

  • 1 tbsp butter

  • Portuguese bun (find these at Safeway) or your bun of choice

  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

For Alli’s variation, add:

  • Lots and lots of olive oil mayo mixed with a tsp of sriracha

For Nathan’s variation, add:

  • Garlic jam


  • Start by toasting your Portuguese buns until golden brown. We put them in the oven on high broil until they’re ready, usually about 3-5 minutes

  • Cook bacon to your preferred doneness. We do ours in the air fryer, but the oven or stovetop works too. This step usually takes the longest, so it’s best to have that ready to go once the bun is toasted.

  • Once the buns are done, sauce them up with your preferred dressings. Alli likes to dip her buns into a bucket of mayo, but for normal people you can just use a spoon or knife. Add your arugula/spinach and bacon as well

  • For the eggs we like to do them sunny side up. Why risk breaking the yolk on a flip? Start by oiling or buttering a non-stick frying pan and placing on medium heat. Crack the eggs in and bang in a few teaspoons of water to help poach the top of the eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste—we also like to add some garlic powder

  • Cover eggs for 3-4 minutes or until the yellow yolks just start turning white. If you prefer non breakable yolks (why?) cook longer until your soul has evaporated

  • Toss your eggs onto your buns and take a video of the yolk breaking. Make sure to send it to your friends or post to your Instagram, because everyone enjoys watching a yolk break in a sandwich


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